Monday, September 19, 2011

share with everyone and anyone

We were starving.  After all, we had just run to the other side of the terminal and back to share the Gospel with a prostitute (click here if you didn't read that story) and we had forty minutes before our plane boarded and we were hungry.

I settled for a smoothie and was slurping contentedly when Liv and Anna returned from Taco Bell with their salads.  They chattered back and forth as they sat down until Liv opened the bag and exclaimed with dismay, "I don't have a fork or napkins."  Groaning, she got back up to her feet and pleaded, "Does anyone want to come with me?"  Olivia is very much a wild one but she is not comfortable going up to a waiter and asking for napkins or calling a swim lesson client on the phone; someone---usually me---needs to go up with her as she asks for napkins or, as what often happens, I ask for napkins instead.

This time Anna volunteered to go back with Liv.

I had only sucked down another inch of my smoothie when I saw them returning, half-running, and laughing breathlessly.  They threw themselves down on the uncomfortable airplane chairs and Anna announced in a half-embarrassed half-pleased way, "We just shared Jesus with a believer!"  She collapsed in giggles.

"What?!"  We grinned and leaned in closer.  We wanted to hear this.  "What happened?"

"There was this guy who had ordered ahead of us," Liv explained as she methodically began to unwrap her fork from it's plastic.  "Like in the Navy Reserve or something.  But we kind of asked him where he was from---"

"Bakersfield," Anna supplied.

"Yeah, but we were friendly but then we left.  But then we came back and he was like 'back already?' and we were all 'yeah, we forgot a fork'.  And then..."  She and Anna exchanged glances and laughed sheepishly.  "And then Anna went up to him and said, 'Hey,' and then she looked at me"---Liv mimed making a grimace and mumbling a little---"and then blurted out 'doyouknowJesus??'"

We looked at Anna and she was laughing and nodding confirmation that yes, indeed, she had done exactly that.

"That's so awesome!" I said.  "Then what?"

"He said yeah, he's a Christian," Liv continued.  "He's trying to find a church in Bakersfield."

Anna broke in, "And I said, 'oh good, I don't need to tell you anything.'"  Both Liv and Anna were flushed and grinning, pleased that they had been bold but embarrassed that they had tried to share the Gospel with a believer.

But we all thought that was the best thing ever.  They had overcome their shyness and embarrassment and were bold for the Kingdom and God blessed that: they didn't find a surly atheist or polytheistic businessman, they found a kind Christian who was pleased that they were sharing Jesus in an airport.  I think that is so awesome and I am pleased to run with such wild ones.

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