Sunday, August 28, 2011

what is a wild one?

It's simple:

Wild ones are radical lovers who chase after God with all their hearts, who walk in His anointing, and who see the Kingdom of Heaven break through in every aspect of their life; they take risks and aren't afraid to proclaim the Good News.

I haven't always been a wild one.  But I am beginning to realize that the world is hungry for what believers have to offer; the world is waiting for us to get wild.  And God is so beautiful and has been so faithful to us that there is no greater calling than to be a wild one.  If He came back today, would I be proud of the life I have lived?  Would I feel that I had listened to His voice and obeyed His calling?

I know I haven't.

But we are all called to be wild ones and I am going to live my life like one.

The only motive to be wild is because we're lovesick.  The only reason to run after God is because we're in love.

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