Monday, August 29, 2011

why be a wild one?

Did you know that following after the Lord is exciting?

I didn't know that, not until a few years ago.

I've grown up a PK---a Pastor's Kid.  I don't think there's ever been a moment where I haven't been a PK.  I've read the Bible my entire life, gone to church, youth group, participated in Awanas---you name it, I practically did everything.  I memorized Scripture, was baptized, and learned witticisms like "Just like air, God is there", but I didn't get it.

Sometimes I think it's easier growing up in a non-Christian home---or at least not as a Pastor's Kid---because then you have that encounter with the Lord and realize how good He is and how He fills up that space inside of you that you never knew existed.  Growing up in a believing home, I've always known how good He is.  Sort of.  I mean, I knew He died for me and I believed in Him but I didn't know Him.  I never experienced "a moment" or had "a revelation".  Basically, I was living my parents' faith but it really had no impact on my life.

Then, freshman year I went to India with my sister, Olivia, on a missions trip and it changed my life.  For three weeks we served the poor, ministered on the street, and brought the lost to the Father (for more information on our travels in India, visit:  It was absolutely amazing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and I realized for the first time the amazing power of God, His wonderful love, and His desire to bring people to Him.

I came back home and since then the desire to walk in God's radical love has only increased in my heart.  A senior now, I have fallen so in love with Him that I want to be molded into the perfect tool that He can use to bring the orphans home.

As Henry Varley, a British revivalist (1835-1912), said, "The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man [or woman] who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

what is a wild one?

It's simple:

Wild ones are radical lovers who chase after God with all their hearts, who walk in His anointing, and who see the Kingdom of Heaven break through in every aspect of their life; they take risks and aren't afraid to proclaim the Good News.

I haven't always been a wild one.  But I am beginning to realize that the world is hungry for what believers have to offer; the world is waiting for us to get wild.  And God is so beautiful and has been so faithful to us that there is no greater calling than to be a wild one.  If He came back today, would I be proud of the life I have lived?  Would I feel that I had listened to His voice and obeyed His calling?

I know I haven't.

But we are all called to be wild ones and I am going to live my life like one.

The only motive to be wild is because we're lovesick.  The only reason to run after God is because we're in love.

the beginning

This the the third blog I have begun, the third I have started with the intent to be faithful in writing it, and the second in which I will probably fulfill my intentions.  But here I am again, sitting down at my laptop with the desire to record the happenings in my life, of which there are many.  However, my desire is that this will not be like any other blog written by a young girl: composed of school life and friends and social doings.  (I tried that already and it fizzled out mighty quick.)  Of course there will be sprinklings of those things but my main purpose is to write about Jesus, my relationship with Him, and the crazy adventures He takes me on.

But first things first.  Before I begin to tell all the stories that happen to me, I must first share about myself:

My name is Hannah and I am about to turn 18. I live with my mom, dad, younger sister, cousin, and dog.  We have five, six, maybe seven cats---I'm never sure, every time I go outside there seems to be another one---and three rats.  I am a coach for the Puma Aquatic Swim Team, a senior in highschool, a musician, reader, and avid writer.  A former 4H All Star, I lead the Dog project with my sister, teaching kids how to properly handle and show their dogs.  I am president for Rhetoric Speech and Debate club and compete in tournaments all throughout California; I am also in the process of getting the first book ("Keeper") in my trilogy "Ragamuffin Queen" published.

 I love Disneyland, good movies, and cheesy bagels on Friday mornings.  I love swing dancing, laughter, and swimming in the rain.  I love to travel, sing, and being with friends.  But most of all I love Jesus and it is about Him and who I am through Him that this blog will chiefly focus.